More blogs blooming
Here's a story from the Washingtonian about how many new blogs are springing up at the Washington Post. The story inlcudes some good inside info on how the Post manages its bloggers (pretty hands off. That's good.)
Here's a story from the Washingtonian about how many new blogs are springing up at the Washington Post. The story inlcudes some good inside info on how the Post manages its bloggers (pretty hands off. That's good.)
Still wondering if you can make money from blogging? Well listen to this story.
Saw this on Romenesko. CNN is going to promote Anderson Cooper's new show by advertising on selected blogs including news, gossip and politics big guns Gawker, Defamer, Wonkette and Fishbowl.
Over at Poynter's daily blog by Jim Romenesko, the news industry's best source for news and gossip, they have the story of a memo from the editor of the Washington Times warning staffers not to blog anywhere without the paper's permission.